Sunday, September 3, 2017

Why Meditate cont.

Learning how to handle stress - or how to experience less of it - is a goal one can pursue with meditation practice. The way to do this is to bring more truth into our lives, using meditation to help focus our energies toward that end.

What is meant by ‘truth’? It’s more than the difference between right and wrong, moral or immoral. Those are judgments, and not always representative of truth. Truth is immutable; it’s always extant, regardless of how we as individuals or a society define it, and whether we even know what it is. It cannot be otherwise, or it would not be the truth.

When you are living within truth, everything you say or do comes from the heart. You don’t worry about what others think, or about buying into the judgments of ego. You present an honest face to the world, and feel good inside. You sincerely enjoy helping others, because you’re compelled by love to do so. You are in tune with your higher self, and therefore perceive greater truth in events around you. As a result, you gain wisdom with every experience of life, and become ever more self aware. You rarely get ‘stressed out’, and your purpose in life is fairly clear. You cannot do anything that goes against that, at least not happily.

When you aren’t in truth, you feel anxious and upset most of the time. You may sometimes speak from the heart, but more often you speak from ego. In those moments you’re not honest about who you are, or about what you do. You project your judgments of others or of things outside of yourself, instead of acknowledging them as your own, and learning from them. You define yourself by what you own, what you think, how you look, or what you do for yourself, instead of what you do from love. You compete to get the better of everyone else’s ego, instead of allowing yourself and them to just be present. ‘More’ is your motivation, as opposed to meaning. You do what it takes to satisfy that endless pursuit – regardless of what ‘more’ represents to you - even when it’s harmful to yourself, to others, or to the environment.

It’s quite simple to tell if you’re living in truth or not. When you speak, which voice do you use? Is it the humble, passive voice of acceptance and honesty, or is it the brash, aggressive voice of domination and prevarication? Do you feel good inside as you go about your day, or are your insides in turmoil most of the time? No one knows your inner truth except you; but are you able to see it for yourself, or have you buried it so deeply away that you don’t recognize it anymore? We are expert at masking our truth, even to the point of believing our own deceptions.

Meditation will bring you face to face with your truth, whether you want to see it or not. This is why it’s such an invaluable tool to help you find truth, and to stay in it as much as possible. As you learn what your truth is (if you’re hiding from it), and learn to reveal it, your stress levels will decrease dramatically. You’ll begin to feel a weight slide off of your shoulders, and a peacefulness will pervade your life. There is no amount of deception that can possible outweigh the benefits of living in truth. You only need to try it and discover for yourself the rewards. Better health, improved relationships, peace of mind; there is really no end to the transformation that awaits. You just need to decide to do it. Meditation is a great place to start.