Saturday, July 24, 2010

Reiki for Mind, Body & Soul

A Reiki (“ray-kee”) treatment is a great way to promote self-healing, and ensure ongoing good health. Originally created by Dr. Mikao Usui at the end of the nineteenth century, Reiki is widely known and used. It’s also recognized by Western medicine as an effective, non-invasive treatment that reduces healing time and pain levels significantly, especially in post-operative patients, as well as with injuries or illnesses.

Reiki is a Japanese term meaning ‘Life Force Energy’. It assists with balancing your energy centers, the seven areas of the body’s energy field, or aura, that are commonly referred to as chakras. The seven chakras are called the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow and crown. These centers flow freely with energy when they’re clear, helping support a healthy, happy individual. When they’re blocked by persistent negative feelings or stress, the effects can manifest in many ways. Experiencing pain or illness of any kind is common, whether emotional, physical or mental. Reiki helps clear the chakras of negative energy, treating both its causes and symptoms.

A Reiki practitioner doesn’t ‘perform’ healing; they’re trained and attuned to accept and channel powerful life-force energy to their clients. They may use several Reiki techniques to administer treatment, depending on their training. Some place their hands in various predetermined positions on the body; others keep their hands a short distance away from it. Either technique works; a client typically feels the flow of energy as heat when they’re being treated. A Reiki practitioner with strong intuition can often pinpoint areas of the aura or physical body that are ‘sore’ spots, and focus on them when giving treatment.

Ultimately, guiding the Reiki energy depends on a client’s needs; being intelligent, the energy knows what chakras or areas of the body require it. For example, if you have trouble expressing your needs to others, Reiki energy will concentrate at the throat chakra to help meet that challenge. If you have a broken heart, it will focus on that area to help you heal. If you’re recovering from injury or illness, the energy will support that healing.

Reiki works on all mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels, restoring balance and a sense of well-being. It’s very relaxing, and aids in cleansing the body of toxins. Anyone can receive a Reiki treatment regardless of their spiritual beliefs; Reiki is non-denominational. Children especially benefit from treatment, and pets like it, too.

The Canadian Reiki Association ( lists certified Reiki instructors and practitioners in your area. It also provides FAQ’s, relevant articles and testimonials to the effectiveness of Reiki treatments.