Saturday, July 3, 2010

Read this...

Welcome to the first blog entry for One Self Inspired Learning. May you find some wisdom on these pages, and perhaps we'll help each other to our realizations. Maybe that should be singular; the blog title refers to the Oneness within which we are joined, not as separate identities, but as one mind. There really is only one realization to uncover.

Every person has their own path to pursue, so the process they take is totally individual. How you come to the truth of what you are is yours alone to discover. However, there are guides to help you along the way. They're anyone you meet, anytime, anywhere. Some seem unimportant, others stand out. No matter how you perceive them, every person on Earth is a guide to your Self.

If you are seeking guidance, it cannot help but find you. Maybe that's why you’ve arrived at this web site. Maybe if you take this moment to think about what your heart is telling you about life - just the heart, not the head - a reason will reveal itself.

Still unsure? Maybe I can help. There’s always a reason we attract specific people to our lives. It may not present itself right away, but you can bet it exists, nonetheless. You’re here because you’re meant to be; whether it results in a more worthwhile mutual exchange beyond the fact that you're reading these words is up to you.

This is an opportunity for both of us to heal and grow. I think that’s a healthy way to look at things, at least if or until we communicate directly about what we really need from each other.

I don't have the answers you seek, but I can show you where they are. You have them already; all you need to do is realize it for yourself. It won’t cost you a dime for an hour of my time. If that feels like a nudge at all in your thoughts after everything you just read, then drop me a line.

Love and blessings